We here at Arresting Power are excited to be part of this schedule of events at Portland Community College, and wanted to share some of the events we are looking forward to.
Black Films Matter Cascade MAHB 10404/08, 12pm to 2pm A multimedia presentation on the significance of Black American Cinema of the 70s and changing the way we teach American Film History. Parental Advisory: NC-17. The Whitening of the Original People Cascade CH 21004/08, 2:30pm to 4:30pm Visual performance art exploring questions of identity through the lens of whiteness as it pertains to Native Americans. Whiteness in the Institutions of the Arts: Its Effects in Communities and How It Can Be Shifted Cascade CH 21004/11, 1pm to 2pm Panel talk will involve issues surrounding institutionalized whiteness in the art world and art education, and a path out of the dilemma. Questions on the topic will be gathered in advance from art students. Give Racism a Chance Cascade SU 20304/12, 6pm to 8pm One of the biggest obstacles people of color face is invisibility. We get accused of playing the "race card," people ignore the staggering statistics that prove inequity. In other words, people pretend that racism doesn't exist - my challenge is to acknowledge its existence and create constructive pathways to addressing the issues by holding "uncomfortable conversations." NW Writers Explore Whiteness, Its Causes and Impacts Cascade MAHB 10404/13, 1pm to 2pm Writers presenting from the forthcoming 2Leaf Press "White in America" anthology. A staged reading where the authors read jointly, interspersing excerpts of their writings thematically and somewhat dramatically. American Identity and White Supremacy Cascade TH 12204/15, 6pm to 8pm Our presentation examines how white supremacy exists as a vested interest for all white people under capitalism. It exhorts white people to, rather than make themselves "not racist," work for organized, anti-racist, and anti-capitalist goals in the historic example of Marilyn Buck and other revolutionaries. It's Not My Fault: Whites and Racism Cascade TLC04/19, 12pm to 1:30pmThe session seeks to explore how emotionality derails productive conversations about race, and explore the role whites can take. AWARE Meeting Cascade CH 20504/22, 12pm to 1:30pm CA-AWARE will show film about white anti-racist Ann Braden and discuss the role of whites in dismantling whiteness. Some Philosophical Roots of Whiteness Cascade TH 11204/29, 1pm to 2pm Whiteness has its roots in philosophies that influenced the development of the U.S.; after reviewing those philosophies, this event explores their influence and ends with a conversation on the manifestations of whiteness in philosophy still present today. More events and info can be found here. A Great Public Defender, Stu Sugarman, died unexpectedly. We mourn with his friends, family, and the community at large. He helped make those of us who were out on the front lines in the 90s and 00s feel safe, at a time when almost everything else was making us feel like targets, like the work we were doing to create a world that we wanted to live in was useless and stupid. Thank you for that, always. Rest in Power.